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Note: If you are a current contact in our database or have worked with UNB in the past, you may already have an account. In that case, please enter your email address and hit "forgot password". You will receive your password by email. Please enter your account login and we will send the account information to the email we have on file.

Employers Registration

Organization Information

Organization Details

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Category 1

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Contact Information

When filling in a contact name (first name, last name) for your new Employer account on ExpereinceUNB, you MUST include your actual first name and last name. if you do not, the pending account will not be approved. it is recommended that each contact at an Organization has their own individual account on ExperienceUNB to post opportunities for UNB student talent.


(select all that apply)

Are you interested in partnering for an opportunity with...?

Internship - Placement within an organization with staff member designated as mentor. Financial remuneration may be included, or student may earn academic credit or other credential. Can be full-or part-time.

Co-op: Academic program in which curriculum is designed so that students alternate study and work terms with paid employment and supervision/mentorship. Usually full time, 16-week placements.

Practicum/Clinical: Involves practice-based work experience under the supervision of a professional. Can be a stand-alone or course component for which grade or evaluation is assigned. May or may not be mandatory. Typically offered in professional programs (i.e. Nursing, Education)

Service Learning/Course-based experiential learning: Volunteer experience within community-based organizations in which the student makes a specific contribution to the organization and/or community; normally a course component. Service learning and other course-based experiential learning options are available in every faculty on both campuses.

Co-curricular: This category may include opportunities that are not linked to specific program or course requirements including (but not limited to) opportunities such as applied research, community engaged learning, organized co-curricular learning, or other forms of experiential education.

(choose all that apply)